
Monday, 13 May 2013

What Are Best Shocking Toys Available

Shocking toys are the ultimate prankster’s delight. There is a min-boggling variety of playthings that are designed to give a gentle shock to the victims of prank games. Care must be taken to buy genuine and quality products. These are designed to give the victims a mild fright, not physical harm. To be safe, always buy from reputable dealers.The following is an overview of some of the best and most fancied shocking toys available on the internet.Shocking...

Monday, 6 May 2013

The Shocking Pen Prank

The shocking pen prank is a great gag to play on your colleagues or fellow students. This highly versatile prank works everywhere – at school, at the workplace, at a conference…the list goes on. It’s Simple and Fun The best park about the gag is its simplicity. The shocking pen gag needs little more than the shock pen itself. Shock pens are ordinary looking pens with a twist. These battery powered prank toys are designed to give users a harmless...